The Sgt. S. Matthew Baynard Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity.  All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.  EIN 46-3683554.  Your donation is tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. For copies of our Internal Revenue Service paperwork, please contact us at

Our medals have always been donated by our #1 sponsor,

Each year we have the Annual Sgt. S. Matthew Baynard Foundation Veterans Day 5k.

Our 1st Annual 5k was at Fletcher Community Park.

With our 2nd Annual 5k we moved to Mills River Park and it was a HUGE success! Due to Covid precautions, we held our first ever completely virtual 5k in 2020. We will be back strong and in person for 2024, returning to Fletcher Community Park for the 8th Annual Veterans Day 5k and Kid's Fun Run.

Hope to see you there!

Our original design medals are donated by